Born this way

My mama told me when I was young
We are all born superstars
She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on
In the glass of her boudoir
"There's nothing wrong with loving who you are"
She said, "cause he made you perfect, babe"

"So hold your head up girl and you'll go far,
listen to me when I say"
I'm beautiful in my way
'cause god makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track baby
I was born this way
Don't hide yourself in regret
Just love yourself and you're set
I'm on the right track baby
I was born this way

Lite pep-talk från Lady Gaga såhär en tisdagsförmiddag!
Det är säkert fler än jag som behöver sånt ibland, när det är kämpigt med plugg, jobb eller kanske 
kärlekslivet. Eller om man helt enkelt bara är lite nere en dag.
Don't worry, be happy!



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